Saturday, 22 December 2012

Mummy loves you

Hi I'm back for my 2nd post ^^
This picture was taken yesterday showing my #ootd & my 9 months baby bump!
I've gained so much in this pregnancy that I couldn't even fit into 90% of my clothing now.... I remember how slim I used to be (practically underweight to be in fact) & yet now I'm like super fat. Gosh! From a slim 42kg till I'm 54kg now. I'm sure only girls could understand how I feel T.T
To add on, I have awful looking stretch marks too. My whole body expanded too much, hence the stretch marks. How am I gonna wear pretty clothing in the future?! I realized I've really sacrificed ALOT for this baby girl. I eat & eat non stop just to satisfy her hunger. P.S I used to eat alot too but I'm one who never gets fat no matter how much food I consume. Of course I'm happy to have her, but to have a sudden change in my body size is alarming to me. Really.
I mean, which girl on Earth doesn't wish to look pretty & slim? Only stupid girls wouldn't, cuz they're lazy oops. I really feel fat, but people around me are always assuring me that I don't look fat at all. But look at my flabby arms & pig-like thighs please. They're like my biggest nightmare of all. My arms are fat, my face is fat, my thighs are fat, my butt is exeptionally fat.. What is more to come?!
Okay enough of ranting about my body fats..... Shall drop this hideous topic of mine.
Anyway, I went to my aunt's church christmas musical yesterday & overall the musical was great. But I guess I didn't really enjoyed it because I was feeling very very tired and I was practically dreaming throughout the whole musical though. Just fyi, pregnant ladies can get tired REALLY easily. I could just get tired after walking a few steps out on the streets. Weak body huh haha.
I get tired easily but I don't sleep early everyday. I sleep at about 3+ in the morning??? My baby girl's super active in the night. She would start her "morning exercise" in the wee hours every night & how to sleep like that you tell me la?! =.=" She's super active btw (confirmed by my gynae himself). I really hope she wouldn't turn out to be hyper active else it would really want my life la. I can't handle hyper active kids for sure. To be precise, I can't tahan. But if it really turns out this way, I guess I've got no choice but to accept also lor. :/
OH! Have I told you whats the name of my baby girl? Its Renee ^^ I love this name a lot as it means "being reborn". I find it really meaningful plus it's simple & easy to pronounce. HEHE.
Okay, time for me to go. Tada~

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